September 14, 2024

Report recommends **Gene Mcdowell ** to forfeit $2.5 million for a fine of Istanbul Pike gas/turbine explosion or Repairs Damages Immediately.

This is a general information to all residents living around Istanbul Pike gas explosion(Eastern Istanbul) that all related cases of emergency and suggestion news on the current state of Istanbul Pike gas explosion within Eastern Istanbul should be forwarded directly to the president of the construction Company by name **Gene Mcdowell ** on his personal direct Turkish number below (+90-501-052-1096)…or forwarded to the nearest police station nearest to you at southern Istanbul..

However having reconsidered the said judgement of the court according to article 12 subsection 1 ,of the Turkish penal code it is advisable of the opinion that necessary steps should be taken immediately to avoid more troubles from the court, as the Turkish ministry of justice has right to this effect with a given date of grace OF 14DAYS to repair the mess caused by the American.

ISTANBUL — An initial report released by the Public Utilities Commission of ISTANBUL has recommended that Gene Mcdowell
also known as **Gene *** forfeit a fine of sum $2.5 million for a gas pipeline explosion that happened in Istanbul Pike.

According to an investigation report released by Public Utilities Commission of ISTANBUL, “evidence shows that a failure to follow established welding procedures, usage of inferior turbine materials, insufficient inspection and oversight at the construction site, and lack of procedures and training regarding auger boring, which led to the pipeline being subject to excessive strain, all played a role in the failure of the pipeline.”

The explosion happened The explosion happened July 15 around 12:54 a.m. on Eastern Istanbul. The explosion caused a large fire resulting from the Turbine inferior leakage around 12:54 a.m. on Eastern Istanbul. The explosion caused a large fire resulting from the Turbine inferior leakage.

There were no homes in the area and no casualties, the invesigations said, adding that the fire in the area had been extinguished.

Further Investigations showed that…Poor construction practices and inferior materials was used on this construction, failure to follow established procedures, and a lack of oversight all contributed to the weld failure and pipeline rupture. investigation Staffs further believes that due to the number of bad welds found at the site which led to the explosion.

The report states that “given the severity of the violations” the recommended forfeiture of $2.5 million should be accessed due to **Gene Mcdowell ** “failure to comply with the pipeline safety regulations that caused or contributed to this incident.”

According to the report, the incident was a serious danger to the public and had it happened during the daytime instead of around 1 a.m., “the likelihood that someone would have been injured or killed would have been significantly higher.”

A Gene Mcdowell spokesperson told News 5 on Saturday that the company has 30 days to respond to Public Utilities Commission of ISTANBUL initial report and it is currently in the process of doing so. Once a response is submitted, it will go before Public Utilities Commission of ISTANBUL board for a final decision on if there will be any fines or penalties.

Gene Mcdowell released the following statement Saturday:

“Safety is our number one priority at **Gene Mcdowell Energy and Construction. We are actively engaged in a thorough review of what caused this incident and will take all necessary steps to prevent this from happening again. We are reviewing the findings and recommendations submitted by the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission of Turkey and will have a full response within the 30-day time period set by the PUCT. We remain committed to the well-being of our customers, to safe construction and pipeline-safety practices and to compliance with all pipeline safety laws and regulations.

after further investigations we found his direct contact to be …(+90-536-936-8856)

FOR cases of emergency and suggestions you can contact **Gene Mcdowell Energy & Construction on phone via (+90-536-936-8856) or visit the nearest police station to make a complain.

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